• Our Mission

 The School believes that the children are the most important human resources and their all round development can only build a strong and self-reliant world. Children are the future of our world and therefore need to be appropriately and adequately cared. Our mission is the all round development of personality, staunch character and integrity, global growth, international understanding, physical fitness and above all to develop the feelings of humanity among the children as well as youth of Eastern U.P.

It is hoped to open up more opportunities to the students to expand and diverse their interest and find avenues for the exhibition of their talents. Our main mission is to channelize their energy, to provide greater opportunities, to build desired life-skills and empower them to take informed independent decisions.

We try to enable our students to develop their efficiency to distinguish brightness and darkness, right and wrong and to select right circle of friendship. Ideally, education is supposed to encourage the students to analyse and evaluate their experiences, to debate, to question, to investigate. In other words to be inquisitive and to think independently.